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Paraphrase, Entailment and Contradiction

Paraphrase, Entailment and Contradiction
·         Paraphrase
A source state that paraphrase is a relation between synonymous expressions, i.e. expression having (nearly) the same meaning.[1] According Rahul Bhagat and Eduard Hovy state that paraphrase is sentence or phrase that convey the same meaning using different wording.[2]From those definition, we can conclude that paraphrase is two sentences with identical meaning.
Ø  English             
1.       pat said “ I like foot ball”
       pat said that he liked foot ball.
2.  John loves Risa
 Risa is loved by John.
3.      He buys a doll for me.
He buys me a doll.
Ø  Indonesia
1.      Ibu sedang  menyuapin adik.
Adik sedang di suapi ibu.
2.      Dia berkata “adik saya sedang sakit”
Dia mengatakan bahwa adiknya sedang sakit.
3.      Anjing mengejar kucing
Kucing di kejar oleh anjing.         
Ø  Madura
1.      E’bhu dhuka dha’ ale’
Ale’ e’dhukani E’bhu
2.       John  etabeng findo.
Findo etabeng so john
·         Entailment.
Entailment refers to relation between a pair of sentence, where as the truth of second sentence follows from the truth of the first.[3]The other source also said that entailment is another kind of relationship between meanings, when one meaning holds, another meanings necessarily hold.[4]
 Entailment is a relationship between two or more sentences, if knowing that one sentence is true gives us certain knowledge of the truth of the second sentence, then the first sentence entails the second.[5]So we can conclude that entailment is a relation in which the truth of one sentence necessarily implies the truth of another.
Ø  English
1.      I can see a dog.
I can see an animal.
2.      The two girls lifted a piano.
Both girls lifted a piano.
3.       Jones is a doctor
Jones is a human being.

Ø  Indonesia
1.      Desi seorang janda.
Desi pernah  memiliki suami.
2.      Ibu  memberikan saya  sebuah apel.
Ibu memberikan saya buah- buahan.
3.      Julius Caesar adalah seorang yang terkenal.
Julius Caesar adalah seorang pria.

Ø  Madura
1.      Rama ngobange’ pete’.
Rama ngobange’ keban’
2.      Rani mette’k malate’.
Rani mette’k gemba’ng.
·         Contradiction
Contradiction is a relationship wherein the truth of one sentence entails the falsity of another sentence or a disagreement between two things which means that both cannot be true.
Ø English
1.      It is cold in here.
It is hot in here.
2.      The blue button is true
The red button is false
3.      What he said yesterday
What he said today
4.      Michael in front of me
Michael behind me
5.      This perfume is fragnant
This perfume is scent
6.      Jhon’s jacket very dirty
Jhon’s jacket very pure  

Ø Indonesia
1.      Joni mencuri ikan
Joni tidak mencuri ikan.
2.      Pak arya pengusaha kaya.
Pak arya petani miskin.
3.      Andi tidur dibawah kasur
Andi tidur diatas kasur
4.      Boneka fitri bagus
Boneka fitri jelek
5.      Ulfa badannya kurus
Ulfa badannya gemuk
6.      Pintu itu terbuka
Pintu itu tertutup

Ø Madura
1.      Ghajha’  banne kebhan
Ghajha’ panekakebhan
2.      Rama sareng Ebhu asaren
Rama sareng Ebhu abhungu
3.      E dhalemma pak kiai ka’dhinto ce’ rammena
E dhalemma pak kiai ka’dhinto ce’ seppena
4.      Irul pajhelenna santa’
Irul pajhelenna laon
5.      Tang adek kennyang
Tang adek lapar
6.      Padhebuna nyiai paneka lembhu’
Padhebuna nyiai paneka kasar

[1]Meaning wiki paraphrase.
[2]Bhagat,  Rahul and Hovy Eduard,What is pharaphrase? Assoliation for computational linguistics .2013.
[3]  Mulyadi, Introduction to linguistics . STAIN pamekasan press, 2009.
[4]Stefanie Jannedy,  e.i., Language Files, (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1991), page.221.
[5]Jacke, Richards , e.i, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, (singapure: publishers pte ltd, 1992).page. 125-126

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