Sharing about English Lesson

Analysis of Suggestopedia Method

Suggestopedia was developed in the 1970s by Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian psychologist. [1] This Suggestopedia first aplied in Estern Europea countries such as the Sovieet   and Russian.because this method first develop by Lozanov so this method can be called the lozanov method, named of suggestopedia because its considered as an application of suggestology which is an implementation of the suggestion pedagogy.[2]
 Lozanov considered that sometimes in the learning process there are student that are fear feel mistake and other feel, so To remove such barriers, Lozanov suggested drama, art, physical exercise, psychotherapy, and yoga. And he use playing music in the background during a class to creted relaxed state of mind in the students, so they the ability to absorb large quantities of information [3].
If I see from the view Lozanov , I think that in the process of knowledge transfer in the learning process , not only depends on the method used  but how the learning process was delivered to their students in a timely manner means that the condition of the students in learning to follow so that if the students are at a comfortable circle , they will easily absorb the information conveyed by the teacher or in the lecturer .

Approaches In The Methods Suggestopedia
With the method suggestopedia can be made as a method eradicate suggestion or negative influence on the self budding students so that this method  can be directed to do anything we want by giving suggestions, for that thought to be in for a relaxed and casual,so the ingredients that stimulate the nerves can accept easily, in oder to create the coditions necessary ecorated rooms conducive to he learning with the use of music and attitude of teachers or lcturers who are familiar to support the creation of child good condition.

1.      Students sit incomfortable arm chairs in a semicircle to create a relaxed atmosphere.
2.       The teacher reads or speaks a new text in harmony with the music.
3.       Students read the text that has been translated into the target language at the same time as the teacher says it in the native language.
4.      There is a period of silence.
5.      Next, the teacher repeats the text while the students listen but do not look at the text.
6.      At the end, students silently leave the class room.
7.      Students are told to read the text quickly once before going to bed and once after getting up in the morning.

• Some of the relaxation methods, including background music, may be helpful to students.

• The method requires a class in which all the students share the same first language.
• It does not address speaking and writing.
• It is not communicative or creative.
• The majority of  language acquisition researchers feel that Suggestopedia does not work.
• Few classrooms have comfortable arm chairs.
• Some students may be bothered instead of relaxed by background music [4]

[1] A Kaleidoscope of Models and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages by Deborah L. Norland, Ph.D.
and Terry Pruett-Said. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited/Teacher Ideas Press. Copy right © 2006.
[2] Technicques and Principles and Language Teaching.Diane Larsen-Freeman. Oxford University Press, Inc. Hlm. 72
[3] A Kaleidoscope of Models and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages by Deborah L. Norland, Ph.D.
and Terry Pruett-Said. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited/Teacher Ideas Press. Copy right © 2006.
[4] Ibid.Hlm.15

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