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Inflectional Suffix Error Found In The Thesis Seminar Proposal Of English Students Department At Madura University In Academic Year 2015-2016

In this chapter consists of the background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, and definition of key terms.

1.1              Background of the study
 Language is an essential communication tool for human life. If we talk to foreigners, we automatically have to use a language that can be understood by them. Language is not only used to convey one’s thoughts, but also illustrates how people can translate the reality and convey messages in the form of experience our ideas orally, writing or in the form of sign language. English is one of the languages that can be used to communicate with foreigners who come from various parts of the world. This situation motivates us to study or to master English. English has become an international language because it is learned by people around the world. Therefore, we must be able to master the language and its elements such as vocabulary, structure, and so forth. Every language has its own system, rule, characteristic and word formation process that is to a certain extent different to another language. Language has thousands of words. Every words is important parts of linguistics.
According to Meyer (2009:2) Linguistics is the scientific study of language. The branches of linguistics are, phonology, morphology, semantic, etc. Which one is morphology, morphology is one of English subject in English Departement of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Madura University. Morphology is very important to learn because it studies how words fit into the over all structure of words. It also gives explaination and clarification about word formation process or how words are constructed out of smaller meaning unit. A word can be produced from root, morpheme, and also can be added by affix.
According to Meyer (2009:221) affix is the process of adding derivational suffixes and prefixes to a word. An affix can be a derivational morpheme or an inflectional morpheme. Affix is categorized as bound morpheme because it cannot stand alone and should be attached to the root or base word. It is also same with prefix and suffix, because they are the kinds of affix. Suffix is also categorized as bound morpheme, such a Prefix. However, it is rather different. According to Aronoff (2011:270) suffix is a combination of letters added to the end of a base word. A suffix can make a new word in both inflectional and derivational.
According to Meyer (2009:225:229) Derivational Morpheme is change the meaning of a word in to a new meaning or it is "derived" from the root / the original from. Inflectional morphemes are that do not change the meaning of the root / original word. This research aims to describe the actual inflectional morpheme in the thesis seminar proposal at madura university in academic year 2015-2016. Madura University in one of the oldest University in Madura which has supplied Teacher training and Educational Faculty. The researcher interested to investigate In acdemic year 2015-2016 because this collect of data update. The researcher try to analyze the error of students, Richard (2002: 184) stated that “error analysis is the study and analysis of the error made by second language learners”. Error analysis may be carried out in order to: identify strategies which learners use in language learning, try to identify the causes of learner errors, and obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid to teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials. In the last semester the students done get material about writing, grammar, and morphology. In fact, the students still confused about morphological prosess, especially in inflectional suffix. Based on the statement above, the researcher takes the title “INFLECTIONAL SUFFIX ERROR FOUND IN THE THESIS SEMINAR PROPOSAL OF ENGLISH STUDENTS DEPARTMENT AT MADURA UNIVERSITY  IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016”
1.2       Statement of the problems
Based on the background of the study of this research are:
1.2.1    What are the kinds of inflectional suffix error made by English students department in the thesis seminar proposal at Madura University in academic year 2015?
1.2.2    What are the causes of inflectional suffix suffix error made by English students department in the thesis seminar proposal at Madura University in academic year 2015?
1.3       Objective of the study
1.3.1     To describe the kinds of inflectional suffix error made by English students department in the thesis seminar proposal at Madura University in academic year 2015?
1.3.2    To know the causes of inflectional suffix suffix error made by English students department in the thesis seminar proposal at Madura University in academic year 2015?
1.4       Significance of the study
Some significance of the study will probably give some benefits for some aspects:
1.4.1    Theoritically
The researcher hopes that result of the research is valuable in giving contribution to all of people and also can be reference for researchs, especially for Madura University.
1.4.2    Practically
Practically the researcher greatly expects that the finding will be useful for:
a.       The English department students
This research is beneficial to give contribution to the study of Linguistics in general, especially on the study of inflectional suffix.
b.      The researcher
The benefit  for the researcher as native language Indonesian give an experience and knowledge for the researcher from this research. it is makes the researcher understand on study inflectional suffixes and also the researcher really expects that the finding will help her self to give specific information and better or deeper understanding about affixation.
1.5       Scope and Limitation of the study
The scope of this study is inflectional suffix, it limits on chapter I in Background of the study that made by English students department on thesis seminar proposal in academic year 2015 at Madura University
1.6       Definition of Key terms
The definition of key terms are stated bellow in order to make it clear and avoid any misunderstanding of terms:
1.      Inflectional : do not change the meaning of the root / original word
2.      Derivational : change the meaning of a word in to a new meaning or it is "derived" from the root / the original from
3.      Suffixes : combination of letters added to the end of a base word.

4.       Error : the study and analysis of the error made by second language  learners.

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