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The Drug A New Trend of the Youth

Drug is a drugs containing addictive substances dangerous and forbidden and is one of the drugs generally have a risk of addiction for users. And the drugs cannot be used indiscriminately without medical supervision. Because the drugs have negative effects when used high doses.
With the times are fairly rapid drug abuse young people is on the rise. Drug trafficking had not looked at the environment and age. Drug dealers looking for targets, particularly among adolescents and adults, and even some children of elementary school and junior high school at the ages of the still unstable and have a height emotional, so it is easily incited to consume drugs.
            So many citizens are worried because the drug freely and secretly very easily obtained.  Parent supervision required to keep their children not to go near the drugs. The tendency of child drug abuse is not get out of the parental role but not the only role of parents, the environment also needs to be considered by parents to the next generation of this nation away from the drugs.
            Drugs have effects that are harmful to the body if used excessively. Nerves in the body of a drug addict walking is not normal not like people who do not consume drugs. Performance of the heart and the brain works very faster than a person’s work typically resulting in more powerful and happy but only for some time. Drug use can; actually be used in certain situation in part of medicine, namely the anesthetic drugs used during his time but with a rate slightly.
            And law in Indonesia is already taxing for drug addicts and some have been sentenced to death for involvement in drug cases.
            Actually, drug trafficking can be prevented with a very intensive supervision of the police or of the public, especially for parents. But can also be done by religious or other approaches that could prevent such illegal acts. Ways of prevention is done for the common interest of this nation so that the younger generation successor to the nation formed then of a mentally healthy and have clean thoughts.

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